SAHM fat Mum to working fit Mum

From stay at home Mum to working fit Mum in 1 year

Monday, January 3, 2011

The story behind the hard road ahead

I'm am writing this for myself as a tool in my journey to get fit and healthy in 2011 so that I feel and look better and am the Mum who can run around with her two boys with ease.

In the pst 3 years I have produced two beautiful boys, I could not begin to imagine my life without them in it and treasure so many moments each day with them it's impossible to count them.

What I have also gained in the last 3 years is close to 30kg, a floppy body and poor eating habbits.

TIME FOR CHANGE before it's too late and I end up shopping it plus sized stores wearing potato sacks!

2011 brings a lot of change to the Swan household. Not only am I on a health mission, I am also re-entering the work force after over 2.5years out and I have the title as a Massey University Teaching student as I set forth to complete 3 years of ece/primary teaching degree. By 2013 I will be able to teach in year 1, 2 or 3 as well of course as early childhood centres with the title of teacher with a degree - Yipee.

I will not be documenting my weight as really that is just too embarrasing!! I will be documenting the kilos lost though.

Currently in size ..... (oops how did that happen!) clothes I am determined to drop 2 sizes.

So goals for the next few months:

1. To follow the 14 week training schedule for a half marathon starting from TODAY
2. Enter and run the Wgtn half in June 2011
3. To keep the house tidy. Washing up to date, kitchen clean etc.

I'm under no illusions that this is going to be a tough journey, with many ups and downs. With family and friends supporting me and the drive to succeed at this I WILL make it to december with a year of Massey behind me and a new fighting fit body.

You are welcome to follow my blog, please remember this is a tool for me. Anything I right is not to offend anyone, it is my diary to keep me on track and follow my amazing year ahead.

Tears, tantrums, temtation, laughs...........BRING IT ON!!!!!

I say Good Luck to ME :)

1 comment:

  1. Well done girl! Keepit up and it will all be awesome. Fingers crossed and shouting behind ya with full of support and enthusiasm. If I can do it so can you!
    Adika X
